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Stewarding Your Influence

Oct 31, 2023

Partner, Dr. Ed Delph, has a passion for turning churchgoers into city changers. He speaks at churches nationally and globally, helping leaders build action plans in their communities. Ed understands the importance of building momentum, what threatens it, and what accelerates it. To quote, "Whatever is worth it must be...

Oct 17, 2023

Partner and Pinnacle Forum Young Successful Leader Director, Connor Hillard, shares his story and passion for the next generation of leaders. Listen to his story about transitioning from the political campaign space to his immersement in Pinnacle Forum's methodology. Watching his own father's transformation through...

Oct 10, 2023

Partner Morgan Boardman grew up in ministry and had a continuing desire to keep evangelism in the forefront of where he would serve. For several years he developed a strong skill set in fundraising, working for a consulting firm that supported churches and ministries. Then God began floating a different kind...

Oct 3, 2023

Communication has always been a major challenge both in the business world and in the Body of Christ - and can be even more challenging for those of us who are members of the Body of Christ within the world of business.

Perhaps the most critical and challenging component of our communication comes as we work to...